

I am not a sensitive kind of person but every time I watch war movies, I always end up crying :3
padahal kalo nonton film yang genre-nya Drama dan sejenisnya, mau sesedih apapun ga pernah gue nangis, sedih aja engga. it's so damn cheesy.
Beda sama film perang, somehow it's way more deeper and touching <3 Seriously.
Every single thing about war movie is Amazing and totally breath-taking.
It isn't just about guns, shoots, death, enemy, action, but there's something beautiful inside of it :D

The most everlasting war movie? Course, Band of Brothers.
I watch it over and over again and never get bored with it.
They're just.. Awesome 
see? how sweet he is. taking good care of his partner and never left behind <3 
Nothing beats soldiers' friendship <3

and that's why I always love man with army-look haha and of course, I always blown away by soldiers, navy or air force and (I know this sounds silly) but I hope someday that kind of guy will be my future-husband hahahahaha :D


  1. Kalo gak salah, di HBO pernah ada serial tentang perang judulnya The Pacific dan katanya bagus banget.

  2. iyaa, band of brothers juga dari HBO. gue udah nonton tapi tetep prefer ke band of brothers hehe
